
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Maths Stars!!!

Look at our amazing numbers, we are trying so hard to form them properly!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Calendar Art

Here are a couple of samples of the gorgeous artwork LC4 have produced with Miss B for our calendars.  Please come and have a look at your child's!

Fire wise!

We were very lucky to have some fire fighters come and visit us at the end of our Firewise unit to reinforce all the important lessons we had on staying safe in a fire.

Sharing Time!

On a Thursday LC4 children are allowed to bring something to share.  Victoria brought her Halloween costume that she was going to wear for Trick or Treating and showed us her scariest face!  Sharing promotes oral language skills.  Children learn to... Speak clearly and confidently to others, listen carefully and ask good questions.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hi kids

Hope you have all had a great holiday.  I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.

From Mrs Best :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Piako Time- Relating to Others

Some of the special people in LC4 practicing our goals of:

- sharing and taking turns
- asking to join in & letting others join our games
- encouraging others with kind words

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ordering numbers to 20 buddies.

Max and Nate used the Lego number towers to identify and order numbers to 20!  Clever cookies!  Look at their proud faces. Awww

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Financial literacy

When we decide to be super amazing at school we earn monster money. Once we save 5$ we can buy special rewards!  Max bought ipad time and Ashley bought dress up time with a special friend. She chose Sophia. Great effort and kindness guys. Mrs Harland is proud of you.

Zac has a new friend!

Practicing cutting. ..

We are learning to Manage Ourselves

We might look like we are just playing but we know we are practicing

- try even when it's hard
- never give up
- know what we needed to work on (which could be different to our friends)

Then we self assess and peer assess how we did against our goals.

We are learning about our learning!  How clever are we! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

WALT try hard things and not give up.

We practiced lots of cutting today. Cutting is hard but we never have up!


Look at the concentration as we look for the 'i'  sounds and count them! Our persistence is getting better and better!  We have learnt that champions never give up!

Thursday, August 14, 2014


This is what happens when you ask a bunch of comedians to say cheese for a photo! You guys make me smile every day xx.

Monster Mash!

We had so much fun on FUN FRIDAY!  We learnt yet another way to be creative!  We practiced our shape identification,  what happens when you mix colors, use of space and how faces are structured. AND who knew you could paint with spoons and blobs! Mrs Harland thinks our monsters are marvelous! Who's smiles are bigger?  Ours or the monsters?  :)

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Relating To Others and Creativity

Today we were working on sharing, taking turns, persisting and speaking kindly to others. Our creativity made Mrs Harland very proud of us.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Piako Time!

Fun Friday All of Piako get together to practice the Key Competencies through play. Teachers set up specific activities that foster such things as, self management, problem solving, communicating, taking responsible risks, relating to others, participating and contributing to name a few.

We then reflect on who we saw demonstrating our focus goals.

Mrs Harland was VERY IMPRESSED with the confidence, persistence and trying new things.

Well done LC4!